

Joe III was the Chief Storyteller for Operation Snap Dragon, an organization dedicated to reaching one more person for Jesus by translating and recording the JESUS film in other languages globally.

Communications Professional

Joe III is a freelance copywriter. His writing includes ghostwriting for multiple organizations and various publications, adeptly writing video production scripts, newsletters, press releases, elevator pitches, radio spec spots in multiple lengths, and mission statements. 

Category: Uncategorized

  • Living in southeast Portland gives you unique experiences, particularly when you are thrust into environments with people you don’t know. In these environments, you discover who you can trust, whom you can’t, and pitfalls to avoid, namely living in large apartment complexes or rundown four-plex homes, like the one, my girlfriend, and our three kids,…


  • Like it or not, people born on this planet have a narrative. Everyone wants to talk. Some about an event. For others, it’s a task they finished or a budding relationship. Or maybe they just ended their marriage. Whatever it is, you will find someone ready to tell you all about it! And what is…


  • Having zero expectations? That’s super easy being invisible. No one expects anything from you, plus you don’t have to worry about what you do or if it’s right or wrong. You fill up space in just the right way. There is no perfect occasion to wear an appropriate outfit. Jeans? Sure. Leggings? Absolutely. Unfortunate shorts,…


  • Before I was old enough to read, I told stories. Imagination incubated, spit out into the world through my limited toddler vocabulary. After being taught how to read and write, the magic turned from oral stories to written stories. Now I was writing my own material, reading everything I could to get ideas, even the…


  • “It’s about time,” Molly uttered under her breath. Waiting for a few minutes? That was to be expected. But for over an hour, Molly’s best friend, Shannen, to do her hair and makeup was a little more than patience; that was ridiculous! “Sheesh. What all were you doing, anyway? I’ve been waiting down here for…


  • “Who’s in charge? You or me?” That’s the kind of supercharged sentiment that separates micromanagers from leaders. It’s the difference between those who lead by fear instead of inspiring others. Leaders who challenge their people move in the same direction. Together, their team is unified against the odds. That’s a leader who will lead, being…


  • “It’s not that big of a deal,” she said. “I mean, I really. I didn’t. No, I didn’t really want coffee. Not really, anyway.” Ten seconds earlier, she held a precariously balanced iced vanilla latte between her philosophy textbook, a day planner, and a hand-me-down iPhone 13 from her grandmother. Unlike other twenty-somethings, she refused…


  • 43. That’s the approximate number of muscles in our face. Using these 43 muscles can make a person’s day. Smile. Wait and see if the person you smile… 43


  • “The shockwave itself would be greater than the sum of all the worst volcanoes we’ve ever seen in the last hundred years, Todd. Worse than the eruption of Mount Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii. It’s impossible from today’s physics.” “But there’s quantum theory. What about the possibility of everything, everywhere, existing in one plane…


  • To all of you following and reading Stories, Antecdotes, and Real Life, thank you for your continued support, Keep reading. I’ll keep writing! One thing I would ask of you. Being on this side of the screen, I don’t have much real-time interaction with my audience – BUT I’D LOVE TO! Let me know if…


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